Electric Furnace Repair and Replacement

A Man Finishes Repairs on a Heating System

Convenient Heating Solutions

Electric heating appliances offer accessible, convenient value for just about anyone. If your home or business doesn’t have access to natural gas, electricity provides plenty of opportunities to stay comfy! However, keeping your system in working order over the years requires consistent maintenance and occasional repairs.

Our dedicated team at A 100% Guarantee Heating and AC supplies electric furnace repair in Vacaville, CA to get your malfunctioning heating system back on track. We also provide cost-effective solutions for replacement and first-time installations! To learn more, simply talk with our courteous heating and cooling experts at 707-689-5128.

Cost-Effective Repair Service

Getting your heat back up and running doesn’t always require a costly replacement for your furnace! In fact, a simple repair may be all that stands between you and a comfy home. At A 100% Guarantee Heating and AC, our technicians work diligently to find our clients the most cost-effective, enduring solutions for their problems.

We also understand how difficult it can be to go without heating during cold weather. Nobody should have to bundle up every time they come home! That’s why our team maintains an extensive collection of replacement parts, so that we can provide faster repairs and relief than ever before. Each of our technicians offers intimate knowledge of all the major HVAC brands, so that you can call our team with confidence!

If your system stops functioning efficiently (or at all), give our helpful team a call at 707-689-5128. After all, why wait for the problem to get any worse? We even offer emergency electric furnace repair in Vacaville, CA, should your situation require after hours assistance!

Electric Furnace Replacement

Even the most durable, energy-efficient furnaces eventually require replacement. When the day comes, it’s crucial that your new system’s capacity closely matches the needs of your home. Installing an oversized furnace leads to wasted electricity and accelerated system failure, while choosing an undersized unit will end in many cold nights.

There are two key elements that you should examine when scouting for a potential replacement furnace: heating capacity and efficiency.

Heating Capacity

Furnace Heating Capacity

Like other heating appliances, electric furnaces are rated based on how much heat they can produce. Talk with your trusted HVAC technician about how much heating capacity they recommend for your home. Generally, this figure is based on the size of your house (or business), plus efficiency-impacting elements (such as building insulation and local climate).

Energy Efficiency

Appliance Energy Efficiency

There are fewer potential areas for energy waste in electric systems. That’s good news, because electricity is usually more expensive than natural gas as an energy source. Electric furnaces rate between 95 and 100 percent AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency), meaning that almost all the energy used in your furnace goes towards heating function, and little is wasted.

Couple Shivers Next to a Malfunctioned Radiator

Get Your Replacement Estimate!

Whether your current electric furnace needs immediate repair work or simple maintenance, you can rely on our experts to find a lasting solution for your needs! Should your system demand a replacement solution, that’s even more reason to give our trusted technicians a call. Based on your energy goals and capacity needs, we can find the perfect electric system for your home or business.

Why not give our team a call and talk with a friendly expert from A 100% Guarantee Heating and AC? They’ll happily answer all your questions about replacement or electric furnace repair in Vacaville, CA. Simply dial 707-689-5128 to get started!